Blog: digital

How galleries are adapting to lure digital natives

en | According to TEFAF’s 2017 art market report, the internet is the second most fruitful platform for meeting new clients. Half of the dealers surveyed say they meet 20–40 percent of their new buyers on the web. And more than two-thirds anticipate that the internet will become increasingly important as a way to meet clients in the future.

A survey of New York galleries reveals similar trends.

Article by Taylor Dafoe now secured by SSL

de | Nach einer langen Reise durch die Instanzen, dem Studium labyrinthischer Manuals, zweifachem Wechsel des Providers und Umzug der Domain haben wir es geschafft: Die Verbindungen zu sind jetzt via SSL-Zertifikat abgesichert. Der Browser zeigt in seinem Adressfeld und vor der eigentlichen Adresse ein geschlossenes Schloss! Damit ist die Site jetzt technisch gerüstet, um die Transaktionsfunktionen einzurichten und aufzuschalten.

en | After a long journey through the instances, studying labyrinthine manuals, changing of the provider twice and relocation of the domain, we finally managed it: The connections to are now secured by an SSL certificate. The browser displays a closed lock in its address field and in front of the actual address! The site is now technically equipped to set up the functions for transactions.

Why the internet won’t actually change the game for unrepresented artists

«An excerpt from the new book, which examines why dealers don’t actually want a digital revolution.

Article by Tim Schneider