"Um es als Künstler zu schaffen, muss man netzwerken können"

de | Magnus Resch, bekannt geworden als Autor eines Buches über Galerie-Management, hat zusammen mit Wissenschaftlern im "Science"-Magazin die Studie "Quantifying Reputation and Success in Art" veröffentlicht, die den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg von einer halben Million Künstlerinnen und Künstlern untersucht. In einem Interview des Bayrischen Rundfunks BR24 fasst Magnus Resch die Ergebnisse der Studie zusammen.

Artikel von Christoph Leibold

What do art critics actually do?

en | A compendium what it means to write about art: Interviews with art critics presents 30 very lively personalities. We learn how much the art world has changed in the past 50 years, why people become art critics, and how these critics understand contemporary art.

Article by David Carrier

What It Means to Write About Art: Interviews with Art Critics by Jarrett Earnest, published 2018 by David Zwirner Books.

Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition that Is Shaping the Next Economy

en | Cooperatives are jointly owned, democratically controlled enterprises that advance the economic, social, and cultural interests of their members. They often emerge during moments of crisis not unlike our own, putting people in charge. Co-ops have helped to set the rules, and raise the bar, for the wider society.

Since the financial crash of 2008, the cooperative movement has been coming back with renewed vigor. Everything for Everyone chronicles this economic and social revolution—from taxi cooperatives that are keeping Uber and Lyft at bay, to an outspoken mayor transforming his city in the Deep South, to a fugitive building a fairer version of Bitcoin, to the rural electric co-op members who are propelling an aging system into the future. As these pioneers show, cooperative enterprise is poised to help us reclaim faith in our capacity for creative, powerful democracy.

Book by Nathan Schneider

Holochain – the perfect framework for decentralised cooperation at scale

en | Holochain is a new technology project with great potential for a new, sustainable, collaborative and cooperative economy. An interview with Holo's Director of Communications in order to explain what Holochain is, how it works and why co-operators everywhere should take note.

Article by The Open Coop

So viel schlechte Kunst! Aber woran soll man sie erkennen?

de | Nirgends findet man allgemeingültige und transparente Qualitätskriterien für Kunstwerke. Im Gegenteil: Die Hauptleistung der Avantgarden bestand ja gerade darin, die Kunst von allen Regeln zu befreien. Wenn Kriterien für gute Kunst so schwer zu greifen sind, könnte es leichter fallen, zumindest Indizien für schlechte Kunst zu finden?

Artikel von Christian Saehrendt